The top 20 traffic calming devices in Europe!

Who would have contemplated in the 1900s that traffic calming measures would hold so much importance in the 21st century?

However, here we are, bombarded with new designs of traffic devices that innovate each year. But do you know what can be the most appropriate choice for your jurisdiction?

Implementation of traffic calming strategies depends upon the road design, traffic flow, pedestrian count, etc. Therefore, choosing the most suitable traffic calming measures for your area is imperative. Otherwise, they won’t help you achieve your desired goal.

Before starting, you should know that there are several kinds of traffic calming measures. So, brace yourself and learn about the top best traffic devices in Europe.

Do you want to know more about this topic? We also have an article talking about the best traffic calming strategies in Europe.

Two red speed cushions also called speed pillows made of rubber with white reflective films

Types of traffic calming devices

Transportation departments and engineers have revolutionized traffic management solutions. You have been mistaken if you’re wondering whether traffic measures would include the traditional speed bumps.

The world has progressed much further, and there is a boom in traffic devices. In simpler terms, traffic calming devices can be broken down into two parts: vertical deflections and horizontal deflections.

This may be new to you, but you must learn the basic difference between the two. If you’re wondering about the category where your favourite speed bumps fall, then the answer is vertical deflections. It’s true that they can contribute a lot to traffic reduction, and a report concludes that they can reduce collisions by 37.5%.

However, they are not the only solutions. In fact, the term vertical deflection can include many more measures. In contrast, horizontal deflections are also becoming popular because they focus more on redesigning the road and controlling traffic flow.

Now, we’ll see each of the best types of vertical and horizontal deflection measures further in the blog.

Vertical deflections and horizontal deflections are different traffic-calming devices.

Vertical deflections method

1. Speed Bumps: These are some of the most traditional and popular traffic calming measures. Previously, they were made from asphalt, but now rubber and plastic speed bumps are becoming more popular.

Speed bumps are quite an aggressive type of traffic measure their counterparts. They are usually taller and shorter in width, effectively disrupting motorists’ speed.

A black and yellow car speed bump made of recycled rubber used for traffic-calming purposes.

2. Speed Humps: Speed humps are another variant of the traditional speed bumps, with only minor differences. They are generally shorter in height and longer in width than traditional road bumps.

Moreover, they are generally less aggressive and work best in areas like parking lots and schools.

A black speed hump made of recycled rubber with yellow reflective films used for traffic-calming purposes.

3. Speed Cushions: A vertical deflection is installed in sets with gaps between each speed cushion. They are designed to ease the problems of emergency vehicles like ambulances and police vans because they can cross through them without any disturbance.

Moreover, bicycles and buses can also cause without any hindrance. These speed cushions are generally shorter and cover more length, making them suitable traffic management measures.

Red Europe rubber speed cushions are mounted on the road as traffic-calming measures.

4. Speed Tables: These are similar to speed cushions, with the only difference being that they are not installed in gaps. They cover a long travel distance and are less aggressive traffic calming measures.

A rubber black and yellow speed table mounted on the road as traffic-calming devices.

5. Raised Crosswalk: To ensure pedestrian safety, the road is elevated by 3-6 inches at midblock and intersections. Therefore, pedestrians can cross the roads without worrying about collisions and crashes.

6. Rumble Strip: You must have seen raised markings on the road, which can cause multiple vibrations in a car until you leave them completely. Those rumble strips intend to alert drivers about any impending danger.

7. Textured Crosswalk: These pavement markings alert drivers to slow down because they are entering a pedestrian-only zone.

The above-mentioned are the most popular vertical deflection traffic safety measures. On the contrary, horizontal deflections are another traffic management system further explained in the blog.

Black and white raised crosswalks, white rumble stripes, and red textured crosswalks as traffic-calming measures.

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    Horizontal Deflection Methods

    1. Curb extension: The most popular way to impact road design is through curb extension, which involves finding ways to reduce a travel lane by extending sidewalks.

    2. Chicane: Chicanes involve extensions and curbs that create alternative paths in a travel lane and involve drivers at lower speeds to pass through the road.

    3. Village gateway: Gateways are a form of physical obstruction that aims to give identity to an area. For example, if a person is entering a new place, there will be signages about the area’s name, narrow roads, curbs, and roundabouts that will alert motorists that they are entering a new area.

    4. Raised median island: Saw a midblock intersection that obstructs a road? That’s what raised median islands are. They are in the centre of the roadway and usually include trees and other landscaping objects that improve their visibility.

    A curb extension, chicane, village gateway, and raised median island, are all horizontal deflection methods.

    5. Traffic circle: A raised island in the middle of an intersection that makes all the drivers go around it to navigate to their desired street. This allows us to ease traffic volume and avoid a roadblock.

    6. Roundabout: These are other mid-centre intersections that can control the traffic flow and reduce traffic congestion. Mostly, these are big median islands that divert the flow of traffic.

    7. Corner radii: You must have felt that you’re crossing a street, and you spot a fast vehicle turning at you. Fortunately, you startle and jump, which saves you just in time. However, it could’ve been fatal if you were hit by the vehicle. Therefore, reducing the radius of the curbs will alert drivers to reduce their speed.

    8. Choker: Chokers narrow specific points of roads or traffic lanes, reducing the width of roads. It can be done by installing curbs, chicanes, or medians.

    Roundabout, corner radii, and choker are traffic-calming measures.

    Routing Restriction

    There are also some measures of routing restriction:

    1. Traffic Diverter: Sometimes, there is maintenance work ongoing in the street, and it isn’t feasible for motorists to drive through them. Therefore, there are diverters that close the roads and divert traffic through other lanes.

    2. Road Closure: As the word suggests, it involves creating a restriction and closing a street for national reasons. It could be an event, procession, or any cultural festivity.

    3. Median Barrier: You must have seen on highways that the opposing lanes are separated by some sort of barrier. These are median barriers that can help reduce traffic chaos in the streets.

    Traffic diverter, road closure, and median barrier, are different road restrictions.

    Traffic enforcement

    Having discussed the above measures, we’ll now highlight the traffic enforcement solutions that reduce traffic on roads. They don’t change road design but can effectively reduce traffic problems through law and order.

    Some of them are as follows:

    1. Speed Cameras: They are becoming very common. When a vehicle tries to exceed a general speed limit, the traffic police intendant may issue fines and speeding tickets to discourage them from driving at a dynamic speed.

    2. Signages: Various signages like speed-limit signs, stop signs, traffic signs, and traffic signals can alert drivers, helping them make a more informed driving decision.

    A white speed camera and traffic lights.


    Every street, municipality, and jurisdiction differs. There are different people, vehicles, and different forms of traffic flow.

    Therefore, designing the right traffic management system for each area is important. The measures mentioned earlier are the most common and popular top 20 traffic calming measures in Europe.

    So, if you’re a traffic officer, you should be concerned with the best ways to improve traffic safety in your area.

    If you’re looking forward to purchasing rubber speed bumps and speed cushions that can effectively help to reduce traffic problems in your area, Sino Concept is what you need.

    They have high-quality traffic measures that will help you to reduce everyday traffic problems.



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