How to get speed bumps installed in your neighbourhood?

Speed bumps have been shown to be an effective traffic control device, minimizing collisions and reducing the severity of accidents.

In some places, such as parking lots, school zones, work areas, pedestrian zones, and areas near intersections, this situation will generally promote road traffic safety as well as pedestrian safety.

This traffic-management system was designed to replace typical speed limit signs like traffic cones, pavement markings, roundabouts, and rumble strips, which are always avoided by motorists.

Installing speed bumps near your property is an excellent method to reduce risks for pedestrians, cyclists, and property owners alike.

If the installation does not satisfy the speed bump standards, however, it may end up being more dangerous than safe.

Do you want to know more about this topic? We also have an article talking aboutΒ speed bump standards and regulations.

A speed bump that meets standards.

How to apply for speed bumps in the UK?

When it comes to installing a speed breaker in the UK, there are several rules, regulations, and standards to follow. The laws that regulate private property or privately held public rights of way differ from those that govern public highways and commons.

In the latter regions, speed control systems are regulated at various levels by the UK government (Department for Transport) and local governments.

The England and Wales Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999 govern most usage on public roads, including hundreds of sections and sub-clauses. This means that speed ramps cannot be installed on a public roadway.

Before implementing any traffic calming measures on private property, it’s a good idea to consult with your local government. You should also make sure that any goods you do install are just temporary and, if required, completely detachable.

This sort of product can only be used on roads with a speed restriction of 30 meters per hour or less. If the speed limit is more than 20 mph, street lighting is required.

Even if this isn’t the case, it’s usually a good idea to place ramps as close as possible to a source of the traffic light to avoid fatalities.

A black and yellow speed bump with lights at night to increase visibility.

You must provide adequate signage on roadways with speed restrictions of more than 20 mph in accordance with the applicable highway authority rules.

Only private roads, such as residential areas or areas near crosswalks, crossing schools, sidewalks, and pedestrian zones, are permitted to employ severe bumps meant to reduce speeding to less than 10 mph.

It’s critical to pay attention to the minimum and maximum dimensions of the road bumps. They must be at least 900mm broad and 25mm tall in most situations.

You’ll probably need to check with local police and emergency services to ensure the curb prevents cut-through routes or access points.

You will almost certainly need to consult with other user groups, such as trash collection and public transportation agencies, as well as traders and neighbouring resident groups.

If your private road is shared with others, you must communicate with all of them and obtain unanimous written consent before beginning any construction.

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    Are speed bumps legal?

    Yes, if you follow the installation guideline that has been mentioned in the previous subtitle. Speed bumps that are positioned incorrectly might make traffic riskier.

    Be mindful of the potential consequences of delaying traffic in a specific location, such as increased air pollution, noise, and vehicle maintenance expenses, as well as the impact of traffic being redirected elsewhere.

    You should be aware that any damages, injuries, or other claims resulting from temporary traffic calming measures on your private property may be entirely your responsibility. Speed bumps can only be built on roads with a maximum speed restriction of 30 mph.

    Speed bumps that are legal on roads

    What happens if you drive fast over a speed bump?

    Isn’t it true that a speed bump may be inconvenient?

    Yes, they are there for the community’s protection, generally in residential areas. And we should respect speed bumps by slowing down to maintain a safe speed.

    Many people, however, are guilty of speeding through the speed bump, especially when they are in a rush.

    If you drive too fast over a speed bump, you risk harming innocent pedestrians and other road users, as well as damaging your automobile in a variety of ways, including suspension, tyres, exhaust system, and steering.

    A black and yellow traffic speed bump on the road to reduce speed.

    Steps to apply for speed bumps in your neighbourhood

    See below steps:

    Consult Your Neighbours:

    Determine whether your neighbours consider high traffic speeds to be a concern.

    Do they have any specific worries about traffic safety?

    What plan do they have for dealing with the traffic flow problem?

    Do they want to use traffic calming devices to slow traffic?

    Let them know that there are measures to slow down speeding and that you’d like to talk about the transportation system’s issues.

    If you use existing leadership to give right-of-way guidelines, you will have an easier time addressing local authorities.

    Find out what your city’s procedure is:

    Know the local procedure for traffic barriers before the meeting. These details will help you in determining your course of action and traffic control plan.

    Before approving the speed reduction tool, cities frequently need a traffic engineering or speeding study, so your purpose might be to encourage this. You will be able to determine the right department and contact person.

    The appropriate department could be the Department of Transportation, the Department of Public Works, the Federal Highway Administration, or something else.

    It’s possible that you’ll have to call your city to find out. It’s also crucial to determine which traffic control devices are legal and preferred in your municipality. Not every neighbourhood permits speed breakers.


    Organise a meeting to decide on a strategy:

    You should know what your municipalities require or do not require by now.

    Prepare to tell your neighbours about this information. Make sure you have all of the appropriate printouts, including a petition, on hand. Ensure that your neighbours sign the petition at the meeting.

    Make contact with local government officials:

    The community liaison should call the police station, the councilperson, and the fire station. He or she should also contact the proper city official and inquire whether you are following the procedure appropriately.

    Do they have any ideas for putting a bump on the road? What more do they need in order to create intelligent transportation systems? Is there anything they can provide in terms of resources?

    Inquire with the precinct about doing a traffic study. Return to your community with these answers.

    A police car parked in front of the station.

    Define the issue:

    You will have to give a detailed explanation of why high traffic speed is such a problem in your neighbourhood when your city does not provide any application form for applying for a speed bump.

    During the initial meeting or a follow-up meeting, answer these questions and develop a traffic data collection strategy.

    It is critical to identify the target segment from beginning to end.

    Identify the amount of pedestrian-producing facilities and their closeness to the target region, as well as how speeding affects the neighbourhood (this is where accident testimonials come in handy).

    Check to see if a set of speed bumps is the best option:

    Speed bumps, which are composed of recycled plastic, asphalt, concrete, or recycled rubber, are affordable and extremely effective, but they aren’t appropriate for every road.

    Only if the target region complies with the following traffic regulations is a speed bump a suitable option. If not, have a look at these other traffic calming measures.

    Make sure the target section is a local road, such as a school zone, a pedestrian crossing place, or a parking space.

    The speed limit controller must be generally flat (raised section not more than 8% inclination) and have a speed limit of 20 mph or less, and it is not a main emergency vehicles route (such as fire trucks or ambulance), bus route, or commercial truck route. Then, make your case.

    Gather the neighbourhood petition signatures, as well as the formal application or papers prepared in step 5.

    Include a brief cover letter with your contact information that explains the desired traffic calming option and why your community wants it.

    A black and yellow safety speed bump installed on the road for traffic-calming purposes.


    Several steps are required to place a speed bump on the road. Without the consent of many parties, including the federal highway administration and local citizens, you cannot hastily put speed bumps on your street.

    There are also a few prerequisites that must be satisfied before this traffic calming strategy may be implemented. Knowing the processes will make it easier for you to apply for a speed bump at a location of your choice that is also legal in the UK.

    As a result, once the speed bump is in place, it will not annoy road users or passers-by.



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